People come; people go while the houses in the forest stay. Fruits ripen by the day, as time continues to fly by. Birds chirp away and butterflies enter the garden, their colours becoming one with the nurturing soil. The sun sets and rises and the dark green trees stand tall and straight, like little tin soldiers. Time is frozen for the little houses, while I watch everything else that goes on.
Memories come and leave us, for centuries have passed and are still to come. Laughter and tears are the heartbeat of this natural song, and giggles and frowns the melody. The dances that accompany this song are viewed among all, life and death among them. Cultures and religions are stored as a reminder of the past, while families continue to grow.
Winters come; summers go, while I watch the sun and moon dance around. Stars the background dancers that tell a story of their own. Inside this special garden, peace is gifted as evil bangs on its doors. Though inside this safe secure haven, no harm can be done, as this ancient get-a-way has no means of being destructed.
Some try to capture these joyful moments, though they can never take the peace away. A simple click of a camera cannot preserve these times of their own, during which nature is a prized possession. For keeping this garden is to be. Although none can ever own this fascinating place of it’s own, some tend to decide on this gardens fate, which can never truly be told.
During these tiring moments the garden forces itself along its way, through hardship and friendship.