Mercedez 1
How It Feels To Be in a Live Poker Tournament About five years ago I used to date this guy, whose mother loved to go to the casino. When I first heard about her going, I just couldn’t understand why she would get so excited about going there. She would come home and say how she had the best time and how she got so lucky. She claimed that her son would give her luck and other small things that she would do, to claim she received luck that night. I would just look at her; like, what is she talking about! I started dating him at the age of nineteen so at that time we were too young to go to the casino and play. When I turned twenty one his mother decided to take us to the casino with her. I really adored his mother and at the time I was going to school to be a dental assistant and working part time in a restaurant. So life to me was pretty simple for me at the time. I had loved to go out with my friends when I wasn’t at work or studying for school. My boyfriend was an only child so he was really close with his mother. It was like we were all best friends. One day I asked her if she could teach me how to play poker because I was interested in the game. We sat at home and she started telling me about the basic rules of texas-holdem. She pulled out a deck of cards and explained how each player receives two cards from the dealer. Once all the cards are
Mercedez 2 dealt the dealer then puts out three hole cards called the flop. The first player after the dealer button has an option to check or bet his cards without revealing what his cards are. Each player either checks or bets or folds their cards. After learning the basic general rules of the game, she decided that she wanted to take us to the casino with her to play in an actual live game. I felt pretty nervous I had no idea what to expect or how I should actually play. I just watched a couple of television shows that showed poker tournaments so I did not know how a live cash