The beginning at the Atlantic coast of Northern America was necessary to English possession in 1607.v When first of colonies – Virginia has been based. Its founders were merchants from the London trading company. On the courts the company transported in a colony of poor men, sold itself is temporary in debt servitude and worked in a colony under supervision of inspectors of the company. For ocean from England the puritans oppressed by government Stewart directed, the poor men who are looked for in New World of improvement of the fate. In colonies they got in servitude to merchants and the large land owners who have received the letters from king on the grounds in America. One step at a time at the Atlantic coast from the grounds grasped at Indians 13 colonies were formed. In the south – in South Carolina and Georgia the slaveholding facilities has developed. On plantations cultivated tobacco, a sugar cane, indigo. Characteristic feature grower facilities was injurious use of the grounds quickly lost the fertility then plantations were transferred on other seats. This feature of a slaveholding facilities and pursuit of a profit pushed planters to continuous expansion of territory of colonies. Import of Negros – slaves in a colony has begun quickly increased. In the middle Atlantic colonies – Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey – wheat was cultivated. The part of the ground belonged to large proprietors – to the aristocrats leased it to small farmers, paid for it the rent. Here was also independent farmers much. In seaside cities crafts, shipbuilding developed. In the North – in New England covered colonies New- Hampshire Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island, handicraftsmen and manufactories was even more. The Major part of the population was engaged in fishing and navigation.
England and its possession used a monopoly of commerce with