Imagine a place where the grass is short and wavy. Where the wind blows but, only slightly. Where the sun glistens off the ATV’s windshield as you cruise down the hill to set up the flag and the rigid ceramic target. Now, you drive back up to the top of the hill, adrenaline and excitement coercing through your veins. You grab the rifle out of the hard protective case. You admire the rifle’ smooth, precision edges its long, smooth barrel made of perfict steel.You take a deep breath through your nose and exhale out your mouth as you lie prone on the soft plush ground. As you look through the rangefinder you can see the dew on the grass a mile away at the foot of your target. You set the zero with eight firm
Imagine a place where the grass is short and wavy. Where the wind blows but, only slightly. Where the sun glistens off the ATV’s windshield as you cruise down the hill to set up the flag and the rigid ceramic target. Now, you drive back up to the top of the hill, adrenaline and excitement coercing through your veins. You grab the rifle out of the hard protective case. You admire the rifle’ smooth, precision edges its long, smooth barrel made of perfict steel.You take a deep breath through your nose and exhale out your mouth as you lie prone on the soft plush ground. As you look through the rangefinder you can see the dew on the grass a mile away at the foot of your target. You set the zero with eight firm