
Descriptive Essay-Women's Resource Center (WRC)

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Women’s Resource Center As I approached the building I was filled with a sense of slight befuddlement. There was no sign outside the door stating that it would lead to the women’s resource center. So as I walked with trepidation through the door, I was able to let out a sigh and calm my fast paced heart when the white sign that stated Women’s Resource Center (WRC) came into view. Already outside the door my ears were catching quick snippets of conversation coming from inside the room along with quiet laughter. When I advanced to the desk I was greeted with a large, blinding smile and instantly felt at ease. Dhauria, a third year student employee for the WRC, seemed to be thriving with energy. She held a gentle kind smile and expressive large brown eyes. The WRC itself resembled a living room. There was a green and blue couch, a television with movies strewn around the floor and a table with computers. There were also containers filled with pads, condoms, and lubricants displayed openly and freely. It did not fit into average …show more content…

They have the resources people need if they suffer from any type of abuse or need counseling. There are pamphlets on their front counter on almost any issue from safe sex to spoken word therapy. Julia, a second year student with big blue eyes and short blonde hair visits the center frequently and told me, “I feel comfortable here, they have free printing and it is a nice place to study. It feels like a home. Everyone here is friendly; it makes me feel like I belong.” There were other students in the room as well, doing various activities. One group of girls were absorbed into studying with their flashcards, while another girl was printing a paper. There was a box of half eaten Halloween cookies on the main table with a few girls surrounding it. Everyone looked relaxed and happy. As I was pulled into polite conversation with the surrounding girls, I fell into a tranquil

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