At this hour in the morning there is no sound of kids screaming with delight. Just the lullaby of waves breaking against the rigid rocks. Here and there, an occasional seagull’s squawk as it hunts for the morning’s breakfast is heard. The splash of the water against her legs is the loudest sound around, chilling her as she wades deeper into the abyss. From left to right all she sees is the vastness of this massive body of water. The water is dingy blue in color yet turns richer as the ocean spreads out. In the distance the ocean appears to fade into the cloudless sky, no longer leaving a distinctive line between the two. …show more content…
She squeezes her eyes shut to prevent the salt water from burning them. Fully submerged her body endures the complete extent of the frigid water surrounding her like a blizzard on a cold winter night. When her lungs scream for air her head breaks the surface, bobbing on top of the relentless waves. Droplets form on all over her body, sliding down her and back to where they originated. A drop of saltwater is intercepted by her mouth. This unwelcome saltiness surprises her and she coughs to remove the bitter taste from her mouth. Try as she might, the extreme sting of salt remains, sending shivers down her