International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Vol. 1, Issue 1, July 2012
Design and development of a Virtual Instrument for Bio-signal Acquisition and Processing using LabVIEW
Patterson Casmir D’Mello1, Sandra D’Souza2
Department of Instrumentation & Control Engineering, M.I.T, Manipal1,2 ,
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Abstract: The increased performance of personal computers and their reduced cost has made it possible for development of PC based signal processing systems.Hospitals need several measurement systems that can measure physiological parameters of the patients. Although diagnostic medical instruments have been widely used, combining virtual instrument technology to achieve the purpose of physiological measurement has several benefits. These systems are efficient and cost-effective for acquiring and analyzing biomedical signals. Utilizing virtual instrumentation to achieve physiological measurement will largely decrease the cost and increase the flexibility of the instruments.This workaims at designing a virtual instrument for acquiring and processing of Electrooculogram signal. Electrooculography (EOG) is a technique for measuring the resting potential of the retina. Keywords: Data acquisition, signal processing, LabVIEW, Virtual Instrument, EOGmeasurement I. INTRODUCTION Hospitals need several measurement systems that can measure physiological parameters of the patient. Measurement systems should be able to measure accurately the vitals of patient like heart conditions, body temperature, electrical activity of the heart, electrical activity of the brain etc. This information should be readily available to the doctors for diagnosis and proper treatment. PCbased signal acquisition, and analysis is an efficient and cost effective method forbiomedical signal acquisition and monitoring. Isolation of the subject from the electronic circuitry is very
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