When designing an early childhood program, the first step would be to assess the need in your community. You need to determine what is missing in your community and then offer a solution. The next step would be to develop your program philosophy. This will let people know how you plan on addressing the need and what values you will be instilling in the children you serve. The last step in establishing a program in your community is to decide the type of program or curriculum that will fit the need that you plan on filling. This will let parents and community members know how you will fill the need of the children you plan to serve (Sciarra, pg. 45, 2001). One of the important roles that must be filled in order to run a program is that of administrator, another being director. The administrator is the person responsible for the management of the group child care center. The director is responsible for the supervision of the center’s program for children and of the center’s staff (WI Admin. Code, 2005). They both answer to the holder of the license for the program. In addition to the administrator and director, another important element of running a center is the board of directors. The board of directors is responsible for determining the bylaws for the center as well as making policy decisions and provisions for the operation of the center (Sciarra, pg. 87, 2001). The licensee, the administrator, director and board all can take part in the making of the program philosophy. Each center has its own philosophy based on the need in their community, but should include the vision, values, and operating principles. The vision of the center should be clear and concise and will let everyone know how the center expects to look in the future. The values that will be taught will stem from beliefs about people, the conclusions about life in general, and what the owner believes makes companies successful. This will
References: Opening & Operating a Successful Child Care Center. Dorothy June Sciarra. Pages 45, 87-89, 299-300, 315-317. 2001. What are three components of the philosophy of management? Angus Koolbreeze. 2013. Retrieved from: http://www.ehow.com/info_8435236_three-components-philosophy-management.html Why is Assessment Important? Edutopia Staff. 2013. Retrieved from: http://www.edutopia.org/assessment-guide-importance Wisconsin Administrative Code. Department of Children and Families. 2005.