CPU is the most important part in computers. If compared to a person, computer's heart is CPU. Processing information in accordance with its word length, CPU can be divided into: 4-bit processors, 8-bit processors, 16-bit processors, 32-bit processors and 64-bit processors, etc. Intel Corporation was founded in 1968, and then became a leader of the IT Industry. November 15th, 1971, Intel's engineer Hoff invented the world's first commercial microprocessor 4004.The breakthrough was regarded as a milestone of global IT industry. The 4-bit microprocessor only processes 45 instructions per second, and runs at the speed of 108KHz, which is even much slower than that of the world's first computer ENIAC in 1946. But it has 2300 integrated transistors, much more than those of ENIAC. November 15th, 1971, Intel introduced the 4004 to global market, each priced at 200 U.S. dollars. Numbered as 4004, its first "4" is on behalf of that the chip is a customer number, while the last "4" stands for Intel's fourth production of custom chips. The digital code has been used till now. Hoff finally achieved his dream---he accomplished the design of the world's first microprocessor, the integration of more than 2,000 transistors, an invention of the world's first large scale integrated circuits 4004. 1972: 8008 Microprocessor Some analysts used to say the 4004's processing capacity was limited, and not enough to arise people's interest. However, when just one year after Intel introduced its 8008 microprocessor, the industry's eyes were entirely focused on it.8008's frequency is 200Khz, the total number of whose transistors reached 3500, capable of handling 8-bit data. Nevertheless, it was the first time that Intel had used the processor instruction techniques. 8008, whose performance is twice of that of the 4004, with 3500 transistors and a speed of 200KHz, was installed in a device called the Mark-8 in 1974,
CPU is the most important part in computers. If compared to a person, computer's heart is CPU. Processing information in accordance with its word length, CPU can be divided into: 4-bit processors, 8-bit processors, 16-bit processors, 32-bit processors and 64-bit processors, etc. Intel Corporation was founded in 1968, and then became a leader of the IT Industry. November 15th, 1971, Intel's engineer Hoff invented the world's first commercial microprocessor 4004.The breakthrough was regarded as a milestone of global IT industry. The 4-bit microprocessor only processes 45 instructions per second, and runs at the speed of 108KHz, which is even much slower than that of the world's first computer ENIAC in 1946. But it has 2300 integrated transistors, much more than those of ENIAC. November 15th, 1971, Intel introduced the 4004 to global market, each priced at 200 U.S. dollars. Numbered as 4004, its first "4" is on behalf of that the chip is a customer number, while the last "4" stands for Intel's fourth production of custom chips. The digital code has been used till now. Hoff finally achieved his dream---he accomplished the design of the world's first microprocessor, the integration of more than 2,000 transistors, an invention of the world's first large scale integrated circuits 4004. 1972: 8008 Microprocessor Some analysts used to say the 4004's processing capacity was limited, and not enough to arise people's interest. However, when just one year after Intel introduced its 8008 microprocessor, the industry's eyes were entirely focused on it.8008's frequency is 200Khz, the total number of whose transistors reached 3500, capable of handling 8-bit data. Nevertheless, it was the first time that Intel had used the processor instruction techniques. 8008, whose performance is twice of that of the 4004, with 3500 transistors and a speed of 200KHz, was installed in a device called the Mark-8 in 1974,