Aim of project
Objectives of project
Rationale for project (include census figures)
Outline the role of the National Disability Authority
Name and describe three pieces of current legislation of importance to people with disabilities
Research and create a checklist, suitable to use for an access audit of a building of your choice
Carry out the access audit using the prepared checklist, clearly recording your results and findings
Critically evaluate your results and findings
Make a list of recommendations based on your results and findings and your knowledge of the principles of good practise relating to accessibility for people with disabilities
Personal learning and reflection
I am a student at The Portlaoise College and I am doing The Early Childhood Care and Education Course FETAC Level 5. One of modules in this course is Children with Additional Needs and The Access Audit assignment is part of that.
Aim of project
I aim to carry out a detailed, comprehensive and independent access audit of a shopping centre.
Objectives of project
I will outline the role of the national Disability Authority and name and describe three pieces of current legislation of importance to people with disabilities.
I will research and create a checklist of 20 items, suitable to use for an access audit of a shopping centre. Afterwards I will carry out the access audit using the prepared checklist, clearly recording my results and findings and evaluate them.
I will list my recommendations based on my results and findings and my knowledge of the principles of good practice relating to accessibility for people with disabilities.
I will reflect on this project recording what I have learned from doing it and I will give my conclusion at the end.
Rationale for project (include census figures)
There are lots of people in Ireland now days that have some kind of
References: CSO, latest census figures, available at <> viewed 4 November 2014. Darmody Architects, details of my chosen building for access audit, available at < > viewed at 3 November 2014. Flood, E., 2013, Assisting Children with Special Needs, Dublin: Gill & Macmillan. NDA, role of The National Disability Authority, available at <> viewed 4 November 2014.