With this in mind, it is first important to understand the type of work being a detective requires. …show more content…
The minimum requirements is being a U.S. citizen of 21 years or older and must meet physical and mental capabilities. The educational requirements are between a high school diploma and a college degree. A background check is done and any convictions or use of drug may lead to a disqualification. Local detectives require a high school diploma although most federal agencies require at least a 4 year college degree. Even if the department does not require a college degree it is often times personally beneficial for an applicant. Criminal Justice programs are offered in most college and universities. Some departments even assist financial in order to obtain a higher degree once hired. In order to become a detective it is basically mandatory that one serves as an officer prior to a promotion. Thus, training stems from the academy in which officers receive educational lessons over laws, rights and ethics. On the job training is very typical. Under supervision training is given in patrol, first aid, self defense and firearm use. Federal require applicants to go through a more rigorous training than a local or state agency. Military experience is very beneficial to any potential applicant. Applicants are asked to undergo a background check, drug test or even a lie detector test. Some departments offer a cadet program which offers training for potential officers at a younger age. After the probationary period an officer …show more content…
The criminal justice field is a difficult field to enter and requires much dedication. I have already done some research in the past prior to this. After, weighing out the options, detective and criminal investigation is still an occupation I am interested in. The job as a detective fascinates me. The annual income is not as significant to me as the practicality of the job. The job overpowers the income. Even though it is not to say that the income is bad. The job seems satisfying to me. Changing my major from psychology to criminal justice is a big step. My desire to help and make a difference in people's lives is strong. Detectives hold a lot of responsibility because they are dealing with people's lives on a day to day bases. It is a stressful job but the personal rewards seem greater. At this point I cannot see myself doing anything other than law enforcement. This gave me insight as to what the qualifications are like in order to become a