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This research focuses on exploring various key determinants of counterproductive work behavior of employees in aviation industry in Pakistan. The data was collected from three most prominent airline service providers in Pakistan (Pakistan Airlines, Aeroasia & Air blue). The relationship of three independent variables with counterproductive work behavior was explored by distributing questionnaires to the employees of our sample. Questionnaire includes a total of fifty items. Independent variables include external locus of control, perceived organizational procedural and distributive injustice. Results indicate a strong positive correlation between CWB and External locus of control(r=0.694). But relationship between CWB and Procedural Injustice was not as strong as was expected(r=0.38). Distributive injustice shows very weak positive correlation with CWB(r=0.078).
The world has changed into a global village where Organizations have generally focused their theory and research on various categories of positive employee behavior, such as employee motivation and performance, organizational citizenship behavior, pro-social organizational behavior, and unplanned performance. Whereas various forms of negative employee behavior/counterproductive work behavior (CWB) exist in organizations, they have received less theoretical and experimental attention. As organizations are more concerned about efficiency and hence, any deviance, either minor or major, from desired situation is considered to be a serious problem. Employees are the most important resource among all other available resources. Their commitment can lead the organization towards success. Contrary to this, their negative attitude towards work (Counterproductive
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