I-Cubed is a software applications company that is experiencing challenges surrounding employee turnover and the integration of new employees successfully into the company culture, which are likely due to their recent, rapid growth. Team Sigma, an MBA team from NCSU, determined that creating an onboarding framework would be a solution to begin remedying these challenges. This research paper takes a deeper look at the ways in which the key aspects of an onboarding program could benefit I-Cubed. Research was conducted in the form of interviews, a Value Innovation Quotient survey, and a review of primary and secondary sources on the subject of employee productivity and company culture adoption. Recommendations for a 90-day integration of a best-fit onboarding program are outlined in this research paper.
I-Cubed, a software applications company experiencing rapid growth, faces challenges with employee turnover. Additionally, new employees are having trouble adapting to the unique company culture, which may be a contributing factor in decreased retention. A survey of more than 2,000 HR and training executives performed by Boston-based consulting firm Novations Group revealed that one third of employers experience first-year turnover rates close to 50 % (Amble, 2007). Additional research has found that new employees who went through a structured onboarding program were 58 % more likely to remain with the organization after three years (The Wynhurst Group, 2007). We recommend that I-Cubed create an onboarding program that follows a phased plan. A successful onboarding program first recruits employees with the best company fit, then provides them with an orientation that reinforces continuous learning and addresses key company details such as history, key personnel, administrative details, company language, and processes. Following this, methods such as cross-training, employee networks, and mentorships should be utilized during an ongoing period of time
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