Chern’s Department Store
Case Study # 5
Selection and Placement-004016: BUS522004016*201003
Presented To
Dr. Ronda Jones, Ph.D.
March 14, 2010
Jacqueline R. Jones
Introduction Chern’s has recently hired two new sales associates and have a need for an on-boarding and socialization strategy. Because organizations invest money in hiring new employees, the company has a need to get new hires off to a good start but need help doing so. Because turn-over’s occurs early, organizations can increase their retention rates by helping new hires adjust to their company and jobs. Out-boarding is the process of completing new hires employment paperwork, and providing them with all essential elements for their jobs. Companies also have the need to socialize their employees through planned and unplanned processes, formal and informal activities and experiences through which individuals acquire the attitudes, behavior, and knowledge needed to successfully participate as members in an organization and learn the organizations culture.
On-Boarding and Socialization Strategies In order to incorporate Chern’s new hires into its organization several strategic programs, on-boarding and socialization have been recommended. Both of these programs are beneficial for Chern’s and its employees. This recommendation will help Chern’s employee’s transition into the company. The following strategies were recommended for Chern’s new hires;
Orientation-- will involve employees learning about the company, its culture, values, goals, history, mission statement, business, chain of commend and products. Orientation will encompass the company’s policy and procedures as well as the process of filling out the proper paperwork required to work at Chern’s. Through the orientation process employees will receive the tools they need to perform their duties, such as uniforms if required, keys, identification cards, computers, an e-mail
References: Phillips, J.M., & Gully S. M. (2009). Strategic Staffing. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.