Detrimental Physical Harm
I’m not sure that I can pick a type of harm that is more detrimental than another, because there are so many factors to consider. If the physical harm suffered will ultimately change the livelihood of the victim, I may consider the physical harm to be the most detrimental. Physical harm seen as the most severe can manifest through psychological and emotional effects, and lead to a variety of mental illnesses. Psychological and emotional harm is very difficult to deal with and was my initial thought when asked to discuss the most detrimental type of harm. This type of harm, as explained in our text can lead to physical issues, so it is as if all of these “harms” can be interrelated even financial harm. In order to deal with physical, psychological,
and emotional harm financial resources will be necessary. The harms mentioned above can then cause social harms as well; they are all correlated with victimization. I think all types of harm are detrimental and I really can’t pinpoint one to be more detrimental than the other, as it is different for each individual facing them.
Pain and suffering is the intangible cost that I believe would be the hardest for a victim to convey. There is no way to put a price on the fear, anxiety, and overall suffering that a victim endures. Not to mention that these issues may not arise for several months or even years after the crime has happened, so how could one express those intangible cost effectively?