Many new college graduates and long time professionals are looking to get into tech, but need training. Dev Bootcamp would help me become a full stack web developer by training me with the tools needed to not only be successful, but be a valued contributor to a team of developers. The prevention of me achieving my goals has been structure and clear direction. If I were to complete an online masters program, then I would have missed out on the years of experience I could have gained in my future career field. Dev Bootcamp would jump start my career and allows me to get a junior developer job, while attending an online program afterwards. It will also allow me to show a portfolio of my work to look more attractive to employers looking to hire junior developers.
My goals after the program are to look for a junior developer job at a startup or big corporation. While I am gaining valuable experience at work, I plan to complete getting my masters in computer science. Looking towards the future, I see myself having completed one half of a masters program, and having some work experience. My goals to complete this program aren't solely for work, but also to able to build websites for my own self enjoyment and non for