Shawna Storm
January 27, 2013
Justin Philipp
This paper will identify the nature of three different company’s operating systems and explore how differently their employees are organized. I personally worked for these companies, therefore, I have an inside view of the way they operate. It will also define the main OMM (operations, materials, and management) costs of companies and how it affects their OMM operations. This paper will also discuss the competitive advantage a company could have based on the design of their operating system.
Developing Good Business Sense: Why Do Operating Systems Differ?
There are three main stages to OMM, input, operations and output. Input consists of having the products customers will want on hand. The operations stage is how employees work together and independently to better the companies input and output. Output is the product or service itself (Jones, 2007). Subway, Fedders Corporation, and Driftstone Pueblo are companies that have completely different products but must maintain an OMM that functions properly to offer the best product and service to their customers. In order to function properly these companies must increase their productivity, quality of product, innovation of product, and their responsiveness to their customers, all while keeping costs low without allowing the product or service to suffer. If they are able to do this they will have a competitive advantage against their rival companies (Jones, 2007).
Three Companies & Their OMM All companies must maintain a functioning OMM to be profitable. They all should use the main building blocks to accomplish this but in their own unique ways. Each company is different, however, and what works for one company may not work for another. Subway was established in the mid-1960s by Fred DeLuca and Peter Buck, by 1974 they had 16 stores. In 2009
References: Jones, G. R. (2007). Introduction to Business: How Companies Create Value for People. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin Driftstone Pueblo Wholesale Retrieved from Driftstone Pueblo/E-Canyons Retrieved from Author unknown. (Date unknown).The History of Fedders Corp. Funding Universe. Retrieved from Badger, Sarah. (Date unknown). The History of Subway Restaurants. E-How. Retrieved from