Names and surnames: Brandt, Lorena G./ De La Serna, Dolores
Group: 26
Date: September 30th
Introduction………………………………………………………….………………….. page 3
Productive skills: Speaking and Writing……………………….…………………….. page 3
Receptive skills: Reading and Listening…………………………….……………….. page 6
Extra skill: use of English……………………………………………...………………. page 8
Conclusion……………………………………………….……………………………….page 8
Bibliography……………………………………………………………………….……. page 9
When we teach a second language, we have to take into consideration the four basic skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. As regards speaking and writing, they are referred to as productive or active skills, because they require students to produce language. On the other hand, reading and listening are also known as receptive skills.
It is our belief that we should integrate both receptive and productive skills in our classes simultaneously. The integrated skill approach, as opposed to the segregated skill instruction, “exposes English language learners to authentic language and challenges them to interact naturally in the language” ( Furthermore, it emphasizes that the target language is not just an academic element to be learned by heart, but a means of communication which enables students to travel, interact and socialize. It brings people from different cultures together, thus shortening the language gaps that may exist among them.
All along this assignment, we will present the reader with different activities and suggestions to work with Bachillerato Made Easy 2 (student’s book) with reference to the fours skills above mentioned. We will divide our work into receptive and productive skills, and analyze whether the activities the book deals with in unit 7 are the ones suggested in the material provided by FUNIBER. Finally, we will conclude the paper
Bibliography: According to Richards (1985:193), the listening process should follow a hierarchical summary, such as: a