Developed countries consist of approximately 18% of overall population and are considered economically stable and wealthy with higher than developing countries income and education levels. Differences that exists between developing and developed countries in socioeconomic status and cultural beliefs have a significant impact in child’s development from the very beginning.
For example, over 90 % of maternal death occurs in developing countries, mainly due to poor medical care and lack of proper management of complications during child birth. Lets say a woman that already has 4 children, which is not an uncommon number in developing countries, dies during childbirth of 5th child, leaving all of them often with not only no mother figure but also unintentional negligence that can affect them by only having a father as the only caregiver.
Life expectancies in general are lower in developing countries than they are in developed countries. Main reason for that is difficult access to basic healthcare. The high rates of birth in developing countries are a result of insufficient resources of family planning, expectation of some of the children dying because of a hight infant mortality rate and also in large families it is easier to maintain farms or other basic assets necessary for survival. Resources available to families in developed countries are plentiful comparing to developing countries. From an early age, children raised in the US are surrounded by convenience: computers, cell phones, cars or even drinking water. On the other hand, kids in developing countries frequently lack shoes to wear, not even