The Big Push Model is one originated by Paul Rosenstein-Rodan. It emphasis that in order for developing countries to obtain economic development, large amounts of investments needs to be made. He argued that the entire industry which is intended to be created must be treated and planned as a mass entity. According to Rodan, there are three indivisibilities in underdeveloped countries which justify “The Big Push”. * Indivisibility in Production function * Indivisibility of demand and; * Indivisibility in the supply of savings
Indivisibility in the Production function states that indivisibilities of inputs, outputs or processes can lead to increase in returns. The services of social overhead capital in basic industries such and power, communication and transport has a long gestation period and cannot be imported, therefore require a sizeable lump of investments which will pave the way for quick yielding investments.
Under Indivisibility of demand, Rodan is saying that underdeveloped countries should set up interdenependent industries in interdependent countries. Therefore these interdependent countries would be each