For the purpose of this task, I have chosen to reflect on Seminar 2-Development Education, poverty and global justice. I chose to concentrate on this aspect of the course, because of a personal interest in the area. This interest has arisen from lack of prior knowledge, and a desire to find out more, having briefly covered the topic in the seminar. Through activities and critical reflection, this seminar allowed me to actively engage with scenarios, highlighting the level of injustice and diversity in our socially and culturally varied world. In response to this seminar, I will be highlighting the importance of 'Good ' Education for children, from a development and global justice viewpoint, as well as framing our education approaches in terms of Active Learning, critical thinking, and interdependence.
The significance of a global and justice perspective when educating children is clearly stated by Matthias Fiedler (2008), who states that 'good ' education for the 21st century child, should enable them to critically connect with the world and society in a significant, and decisive way. Intercultural and development education enables the learner to value, celebrate and acknowledge the familiarity of diversity in all aspects of human life. It is a form of education, embedded in various curriculum practices, which encourages equality and human rights, challenges unfair discrimination, and promotes the principles upon which equality is built (NCCA, 2005). Fielder (2008) states that we, as educators, need to view knowledge as an involved and engaging process, where children are appropriately included in their own learning, highlighting the significance of Active learning. He argues that a product approach to education will inhibit the development of critical and independent thinking in young children, and does
Bibliography: * Fielder, M. (2008) in Teaching and learning about the world in the classroom: Development Education in culturally diverse settings. Online: * NCCA (2005) Intercultural Education in the primary School. NCCA, Dublin Online: * Fitzgerald, H (2005) Global and Justice perspectives in Education. Online: * DEC (1981) in Fitzgerald, H (2005) Global and Justice perspectives in Education. Online: * Hayes (1995) in Fitzgerald, H (2005) Global and Justice perspectives in Education. Online: * Ruane, B., Horgan, K. and Cremin, P. (1999), The World in the Classroom: Development Education in the Primary Curriculum: Primary School Development Education Project. Limerick: Curriculum Development Unit, Mary Immaculate College.