Deviant behavior only violates the social norms, while criminal behavior violates the law. Also, criminal behavior tends to be defined in terms of a state or country, whereas deviant behavior is defined in terms of time/situation.
Criminal behavior is the behavior of wrong doings that will get you put in jail (because the law is being broken). Examples of criminal behaviors are committing crimes such as driving drunk, physical & sexually abuse or murder.
Deviant behavior is behavior that deviates from the social norm. Examples of deviant behaviors are things like a preacher who drives a Harley and hangs out at the bar, a young child with tattoos all over their body or a guy who starts randomly punching some guy in the middle of the store.
There is quite a bit of overlap in these two concepts. Sometimes behavior which is socially unacceptable is also against the law. It is both illegal and against the norm to murder and just as deviant and criminal to urinate in public, but there are occurrences of each without the other. For instance, it is considered deviant behavior to wear underpants over your pants in public. This isn't illegal, just deviant (not to mention a little funny). Then there’s tax evasion, which is only criminal and not deviant. Furthermore, some criminal behaviors aren't deviant at all. Crimes such as downloading, speeding or jaywalking are crimes but also they are considered norms.
Lastly, if you are trying to differentiate your own criminal behaviors and deviant ones stop and think: Will I get arrested for