|Title: Ruler of all the GODS |Column A |Column B |
| |Divinity Name: Odin |Divinity Name: Zeus |
| |Culture of Origin: Norse |Culture of Origin: Greek |
|How is this divinity portrayed? |The GOD of all GODS and the chief of |The King of all GODS. |
|Describe the divinity’s role within the|the universe. He was the over ruler |He was the ruler of Olympus. |
|myth. |of Valhalla. | |
|Is the divinity male or female? What |Male. He was presented as the symbol |Male. He represented the perfect male|
|function does this gender play? |of strength and wisdom the example |in the Greek culture. Strong, wise |
| |for all Norse men. |and all powerful. |
|Within the myth of origin, how does |Odin was the wisest of all GODS. He |Zeus was the most powerful GOD of |
|this divinity compare with other |could see into the past present and |all. He was stern and hard on male |
|divinities? How does this divinity |future. He was also considered the |gods and even cast some from Olympus.|
|interact with or compare to divinities |king/father to the GODS of Valhalla. |With some female GODS he was |
|of the same gender and to divinities of|With other male gods he was stern and|nurturing but he did show a fierce |
|the opposite gender? |sometimes fierce. With females he was|side to some and cast a few out of |
| |loving and nurturing. |Olympus as well. |
|What are the divinity’s attributes, |Father figure,