COM 115 – Public Speaking
Informative Speech Outline
Topic: Diabetes
Purpose: To inform my audience members about diabetes, the complications of diabetes, and what they can do to prevent diabetes from happening or how they can manage and maintain a healthy lifestyle if they are currently living with diabetes.
I. Show of hands, how many of you know someone who has diabetes?
II. According to the National Diabetes Report, 2014 from the centers for disease control and prevention, nearly 29.1 million people in the United States have Diabetes
Speaker Credibility
III. Almost all of my family are now currently living with diabetes, and one of them is my mom, she has type 2 Diabetes and having to see her …show more content…
I will begin by informing you all on what exactly diabetes is, and the types of
VI. Body
A. What is diabetes?
According to the Joslin Diabetes Center; diabetes is defined as a disease in which the body is unable to properly use and store glucose. Glucose is the main source of fuel for the body.
And a person with diabetes cannot absorb glucose properly, and glucose stays circulating in the blood damaging tissues over time.
B. Types of diabetes
I. Type 1 Diabetes: Formally known as juvenile diabetes, which is usually diagnosed in children and young adults. Type 1 diabetes is where the body does not produce any insulin, and people who have type 1 diabetes must take daily injections or pumps to be able to survive on a day to day basis.
II. Type 2 diabetes: Formally known as adult-onset or non- insulin dependent diabetes, type 2 is much more common than type 1. Type 2 diabetes is where not enough insulin is produced, and people with type 2 diabetes will need to take either medication or insulin to help regulate the insulin in their …show more content…
Gestational Diabetes: According to the Baby Center Medical Advisory Board when the body needs additional insulin, the pancreas dutifully secrets more of it, but if your pancreas can’t keep up with the increased insulin demand during pregnancy, your blood levels rise, eventually resulting to gestational diabetes. Most woman with gestational diabetes don’t remain diabetic after the baby is born, but the women are at higher risk for getting it again during a future pregnancy and for developing type 2 diabetes later in life.
Transition Statement
Keeping diabetes under control can reduce the risk of having future complications
C. Complication of Diabetes
I. There are many risks and complications with diabetes that are serious, and can sometimes even result to death. Just to give a couple examples: heart disease, nerve damage, amputations, and vision problems.
II. According to the World Health Organization diabetes increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. 50% of people with diabetes die of cardiovascular disease.
Transition Statement
There are many complications associated with diabetes that can be very scary, and life threating. But there are many steps you can do to keep your diabetes under control or prevent diabetes from entering your