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Thus, initial upregulation of certain pro-inflammatory factors through treatment with dHACM may be necessary for resetting the cascade of normal healing in a chronic wound. Ultimately, regulation of, as opposed to elimination of, immunomodulatory cytokines by ADSCs is crucial re-establishing an acute wound healing …show more content…
MiMedx has published several papers to date in peer reviewed journals that establish that MiMedx PURION Processed amniotic tissues (e.g., EpiFix and AmnioFix) retain over 50 regulatory proteins, including cytokines, chemokines and growth factors that are naturally present in fresh amniotic membrane.50-52 These studies demonstrate that PURION Processed amniotic tissues retain biologically active signals that directly cause responsive cells to proliferate, upregulate biosynthesis of important growth factors and immunomodulatory regulators, recruit mesenchymal stem cell migration towards the allograft, and enhance angiogenesis within healing wounds in vitro and in vivo.50-52, 104, 106, 107 In contrast, competitive tissue allograft products have been shown to contain only a fraction of the soluble factors that are retained in dHACM through the PURION Process.105 These wound care products also have not demonstrated the wealth of scientific data or clinical healing results established by MiMedx; however, due to the decreased growth factor and cytokine content in these grafts, competitive allograft tissues would not be expected to possess the same ability to modulate cell responses and stimulate healing as MiMedx’s PURION Processed