In the medical field, new developments and techniques are discovered and improved everyday. The medical field has always brought together the brightest and best of society to help those in need along with making and using the tools provided to help patients. Diagnostic medical sonography is one of the many advanced technological tools that is used today to help capture live images of the inside of the body, seek out problems, and diagnose patients. Seeing that this modern technology is used often today, there are various job opportunities for this area of study, a very intricate way of how it works along with what is studied, and there are multiple ways as…
Ultrasonography, commonly called sonography, is a diagnostic medical procedure that uses high frequency sound waves (ultrasound) to produce dynamic visual images of organs, tissues, or blood flow inside the body. This type of procedure is often referred to as a sonogram or ultrasound scan. Sonography can be used to examine many parts of the body, such as the abdomen, breasts, female reproductive system, prostate, heart, and blood vessels. Sonography is increasingly being used in the detection and treatment of heart disease, heart attack, and vascular disease that can lead to stroke. It is also used to guide fine needle, tissue biopsy to assist in taking a sample of cells from an organ for lab testing (for example, a test for cancer in breast tissue). Unlike X-rays, sonography is a…
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2012-13 Edition, Diagnostic Medical Sonographers(Job Lookout). Retrieved from…
There are two main paths to qualification as a sonographer. One is a two-year associate degree program through a community college, vocational school, hospital or other facility. The first year of the program consists primarily of classwork, including basic science and communications courses, the theory of ultrasound technology, human anatomy, medical terminology and related subjects. The second year is spent primarily in clinical settings, gaining hands-on experience. The second path is a streamlined one-year certificate program, for professionals with degrees in a related field. Graduates are eligible for certification through bodies such as the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists or the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical…
To support this statement, she detailed her own experience. She started off as a typical sonographer, then transitioned to be a high-risk sonographer, then she became the manager for the ultrasound department at her job, and now she is the director for the department, and works on teaching others how to conduct ultrasounds. 8. Do you see this field as growing and expanding? Can you give me examples of why you think this is happening?…
Medical Sonography has become increasingly competitive, and while most programs are offered at open enrollment two year institutions, the programs themselves have specific admissions requirements that must be met. According to Southwestern Community College’s 2013-2014 academic catalog, the first steps in the admissions process to the Medical Sonography program are as follows:…
Sonography is the use of sound waves to generate an image for the diagnosis of medical conditions. Sonography is rapidly growing due to the harmful effects of x-rays and such. The most common use of sonography is associated with pregnancy, but can be used for many other things throughout the body. There are many different types of diagnostic medical sonographers, including but not limited to, obsteric sonography, abdominal sonography, neurosonography, or breast sonography.…
Evenings, weekends or overnight (Diagnostic Medical). Although hospitals continue to be the leading employer for diagnostic medical sonographers, work is expected to increase in physicians’ offices, and in medical and diagnostic laboratories (Diagnostic Medical).…
I want to go to Shawnee State University because I fell in love with their campus, how they treat their students and all the things they have to offer; they have two of the three programs that I would like to do. Shawnee State University was established in 1986. Shawnee State is located in Portsmouth Ohio along the Ohio River. They have about eighty different programs you can choose from. I would love to study Dental Hygiene and/or Radiologic Technology at Shawnee State University after I graduate from Point Pleasant.…
According to Makely, Badasch, & Chesebro (2014), “They use diagnostic ultrasound to transmit sound waves at high frequencies into the patient’s body. Images are seen on a screen and also records on a strip of video” (p. 39). Many people relate Sonographers with pregnancies, because it is how a fetus can be seen during pregnancy. Being able to show a mother their unborn baby is such a breath taking experience. Medical sonographers work in clinics, hospitals or in a OBGYN office. Sonographers most of the time work on weekdays but must stay available to come in to work. To become a Diagnostic Medical Sonographer, you need to have a high school diploma or equivalent, graduate from an accredited sonography program, have passed the ARDMS which is the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography. The Annual Salary is from $53,300-63,600 (p.76). Although this is my dream career it also has its disadvantages like for example not being able to get into the sonography program due to it being a limited access program. Medical Sonographers deal with lots of emotions, and I’m not so sure I have the heart to tell a soon to be mother, that I hear no heartbeat, or that something is wrong with their…
The Austin Community College Catalog 2012-2013 States that you must obtain a two year, “Associate of Applied Science Degree” (174-175). “Typical Coursework includes classes in anatomy, physiology, medical ethics, physics and patient care”, as noted by Education Portal. According to The Austin Community College Catalog 2012-2013 you must complete a required total of “72 credit hours” (174-175). You must be knowledgeable in the anatomy of the human body and the function of its vital organs. The sonographer, also known as an ultrasound technician, operates medical equipment that produce images through sound waves, that can then be recorded either on video or still pictures and are then viewed for interpretation to diagnose many different ailments in various parts of the human body. There is also a required knowledge of how to use the sonography machine in order to properly provide a successful diagnosis. There are many different fields of sonography that one could specialize in as stated by the School for Diagnostic Medical Sonography, such…
Throughout high school, I’ve immersed myself in many extracurricular activities and courses that I love that helped shape who I am. I mainly participated in intensive academic courses involving advanced or AP credits as well as many different volunteering opportunities which resulted in a tight schedule. In the beginning of senior year, it was difficult for me to juggle because I also started my first job. With the help of my sister, who recently graduated Physical Therapy school, I was able to create a schedule that helped relieve my stress without having to give up any of my activities I genuinely enjoyed. My sister helped me create a time allotment for my schoolwork, volunteering, and college applications. She and I are very similar in the sense that we are both determined when we set our sights on what we want. She knew exactly what she wanted to be at the start of high school and worked hard to accomplish her goal. She inspired me to also partake in a medical science as my career due to my love for science and helping others. At first, it was challenging deciding what career path I wanted to follow because I don’t like blood or needles, which eliminated many of my options. I finally decided that I want to pursue a career as a Diagnostic Medical Sonographer, which is a person who implements sound waves to produce images such as ultrasounds.…
While interviewing Dr. Nowak, an ultrasound technician, I gathered a lot of information useful in choosing a career. Dr. Nowak explained to me many aspects of being an ultrasound technician. During this interview I have learned that you to take a least 4 years of college. I learned what ultrasound technician do and the ultrasound technician scans pregnant women’s and also they scan other parts of your body’s. It is not hard to find a job and…
Sonography has different types of sonograms in which I can specialize. There are eight types of diagnostic ultrasounds specialties, but there are three which are the common practiced: abdominal, obstetric and gynecologic, and cardiac (Craig 152). This is great for me, because obstetric and gynecologic is the type of ultrasound I would like to specialize. Also, since this type of ultrasound is one of the most common I think it will be easier find a job in this field.…
Ultrasonography is an easy, inexpensive, mobile imaging machine used throughout clinical medicine. This device, utilized to conduct scans, is easily accessible because it is the size of an iPad, and digital images can be sent almost anywhere in the world for interpretation by experts in the field, known as sonographers. The ultrasound machine has far surpassed the stethoscope in clinical usefulness, and ultrasonography training is being incorporated in the first year of many medical schools. Accurate image acquisition is key to ultrasonography, as ultrasound technology offers a variety of applications: confirming medical disorders, treating musculoskeletal problems, obtaining images of internal organs, assessing the progress of the fetus during pregnancy (gynecology, process…