If a standardized test was in the way of receiving your diploma, do you think you would pass? Students today are given a huge amount of pressure to finish high school and to achieve an education. Some people believe academic achievement will improve by requiring high school students to pass a standardized test before being awarded a diploma. However, I disagree with this argument due to more pressure being put on students, the high number of drop outs already, and the increase of drugs that could be used by students. High school is just the beginning for students and giving them an enormous struggle to move up to even bigger struggles in college can decrease academic achievement, other than try to increase it. One reason why I believe academic achievement will not improve by requiring high school students to pass a standardized test before being awarded a diploma is because of the pressure it puts on students. With homework, tests, state exams, and juggling six classes, students already have a huge amount of weight on their shoulders. A huge amount of pressure can lead to chronic stress and this could damage a student's health tremendously. It is normal to stress over school and grades, however, too much stress can backfire. Stress can negatively affect a person's health making them tired, irritated, and suffer from headaches. Chronic stress can even cause a sense of panic and paralysis. This could make a student not feel good enough to do their homework and cause them to stress even more. More physical symptoms of stress can include muscular tension, increase in sicknesses, high blood pressure, and ulcers. Also harming you emotionally, symptoms include depression, anger, fear or anxiety, feeling overwhelmed and mood swings. Many students can go through high school without a problem, while others struggle with their school work. Which is why having a standardized test would increase stress in most students to achieve an education.
If a standardized test was in the way of receiving your diploma, do you think you would pass? Students today are given a huge amount of pressure to finish high school and to achieve an education. Some people believe academic achievement will improve by requiring high school students to pass a standardized test before being awarded a diploma. However, I disagree with this argument due to more pressure being put on students, the high number of drop outs already, and the increase of drugs that could be used by students. High school is just the beginning for students and giving them an enormous struggle to move up to even bigger struggles in college can decrease academic achievement, other than try to increase it. One reason why I believe academic achievement will not improve by requiring high school students to pass a standardized test before being awarded a diploma is because of the pressure it puts on students. With homework, tests, state exams, and juggling six classes, students already have a huge amount of weight on their shoulders. A huge amount of pressure can lead to chronic stress and this could damage a student's health tremendously. It is normal to stress over school and grades, however, too much stress can backfire. Stress can negatively affect a person's health making them tired, irritated, and suffer from headaches. Chronic stress can even cause a sense of panic and paralysis. This could make a student not feel good enough to do their homework and cause them to stress even more. More physical symptoms of stress can include muscular tension, increase in sicknesses, high blood pressure, and ulcers. Also harming you emotionally, symptoms include depression, anger, fear or anxiety, feeling overwhelmed and mood swings. Many students can go through high school without a problem, while others struggle with their school work. Which is why having a standardized test would increase stress in most students to achieve an education.