Questions, Paraphrases and Summaries of Relevant Passages
Page References
Emotional reactions, Reflections, Questions, Connections and Conclusions.
“My favorite author was Ali Ashraf Darvishian, a kind of local Charles Dickens…..
He told sad but true stories.”
Page 33
(C) A good connection to this would be the book The Running Dream this story is a sad but possibly true tale about a teen girl who lost her leg in an accident.
“I finally understand why I felt ashamed to sit in my father’s Cadillac.”
Page 33
(E) The author feels ashamed because her thoughts go back and forth between the stories she’s read and her life, and she truly realizes things about social class, and how she has it better than some people.
“Mehri, our maid. She was eight years old when she had to leave her parents’ home and come to work for us. “
Page 34
(R) This is a good reflection of what some families around the world must do to their daughters to be able to support themselves and their family.
“Like most peasants, she didn’t know how to read and write…”
Page 35
(C) A connection for this is back when there was Mesopotamia, the women didn’t know how to read or write.
“When I finally understood the reasons for the revolution I made my decision.”
“Tomorrow we are going to demonstrate.” ~Marjane
Page 38
(C) A world connection for this statement, would be like the people protesting for gay marriage. They understand what they are fighting for, so they are protesting for it.