Due to Hitler's unsteady rise to power, opposition still posed a threat even though he was Chancellor. It is debated whether the Nazis started the Reichstag fire in order to use it as a political weapon but either way it was successfully used to their advantage showing the Communist threat. After the fire, Hitler declared a state of emergency and persuaded Hindenburg to allow him to use part of Article 48, which stripped people of their civil rights and allowed the police to make arrests without warrant. Arresting around 4,000 communists, Hitler was therefore seen as a man of action, which is what people were looking for to pull Germany from the Depression.
Hitler's consolidation of power furthered by March of 1933 with the Enabling Act being passed. In order for Hitler to have achieved this Act to have been passed it shows the diminishing ability for opposition to take a stand against him. The Communists could not vote against the bill for fear of being arrested. The Socialist party would vote against it and so Hitler needed to convince the Catholic Centre Party to vote for the bill in order to balance it out and he did so by saying he was in the process of signing a concordat with the Pope. This Act gave Hitler virtually complete