
Difference Between Haroun And The Sea Of Stories

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Difference Between Haroun And The Sea Of Stories
Nowadays, there is a lot of focus on defining the “good and bad” in this world. It is in popular movies, television shows, and in the news. Sometimes you have to ask, are there really a “good” or “evil” and “dark” and “light” side, or is the clear divide between the two a falsehood created by society. I believe that it is not as clear-cut as one might think. Using Haroun and the Sea of Stories and real-life examples, it is easy to come to the conclusion that there is no true definable good or bad.
The ambiguous line between “good” and “bad” is prevalent in the novel, Haroun and the Sea of Stories. Haroun is a young boy in the book, and with that comes an innocence and a rather unbiased view towards adult topics such as the good and evil. In the beginning, Haroun is heavily influenced by the light side of his world. When he runs into the “evil” beings located on the other side of his world, he is initially very afraid of them. However, he quickly comes to find that, in fact, they are more similar than they are different from each other. He says, “‘But it's not as simple as that,’ he told himself, because the dance of the Shadow Warrior showed him that silence had its own grace and beauty
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When the reader focuses on the relationship between Haroun and Mudra, it is obvious they are completely different [explain how]. In the book, their respective societies oppose each other and each character thinks of their own society as good and the other as evil. Haroun believes the beings of the light are the “good guys”; Mudra’s society believes the opposite. Much of the plot of the book focuses on this major conflict and how it unravels. The book finally ends when both citizens of the light and dark put aside their differences. When this happens, they all suddenly come to a realization; there is no such thing as good or bad in the world, they are just matters of

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