that genuinity, that originality, and that individuality that you have is what makes you unique and special. Try to keep those vibrancies showing rather than conforming to others.
We conform when we are not sure about what to do in a situation; therefore, we look to the people around to decide what to do (Sims). Whether it be with a group of friends, acquaintances, or even strangers, the assumed opinions of others makes us say and do things differently than we normally would. Why is it that we feel the need to follow the lead of others in what to do? For instance, in public situations of someone in distress, it is shown that people are less likely to help when there are more people around. The fact that simply more people being around causes you to feel less obligated to act is unbelieveable. Bystanders are conformists too. If you chose not to do something because no one else is then you are conforming.