How do each frame the issue of Mental illness? MHA and NAMI is structured to help millions of America’s with mental health illness to live healthier lives. They Strive to provide them with the help and motivation that they need in order to face the problem. Both organization also promote prevention and intervention of the illness. They are dedicated to getting rid of the issue as well as treating those who suffers from mental illness.
How do they promote access to treatment? …show more content…
NAMI especially vow to stigma free campaigns in order to educate people about the illness; that way they will “see the person and not the illness” as a way to fight mental illness. MHA on the other hand promote screening. This way they can correctly diagnose individuals more effectively. In addition, both organizations also promote early identification as it is the key to reversing the problem. Intervention is also a way that they promote treatment, as well as advocating and spreading awareness.
How does the difference in funding impact the work they do? While NAMI have many donors, their work is not as broad as MHA. MHA have many donors and they are also in partnership with many organizers. MHA also has a very wide advertisement and social media platforms that allows them to capture many other organizations who are willing to be a part of their mission as well as expanding, promoting, and helping them to implement other solutions and achieving their goals.
How does each organization address stigma?
NAMI strives to erase the stigma that is attached to mental illness. Their goal in regards to stigma is to promote “acceptance and understanding” which will help to remove the fences and obstacles that hinders many people from seeking or accepting the help that they need. MHA on the other hand works to ensure that places such as within the school system, prisons, and the work place is free from