
Difference Between Samurai And Knights

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Have you ever wondered how the knights and the Samurai learned how to do things that they do? The knights and Samurai both learned in different ways, in different environments. In this paper you will also read about the view of women from the Samurai and knights. Lastly, you will also learn how the Samurai and knights viewed education in Feudal Japan. The time era, they existed in the 8th through the 13th century. Time era that the knights and Samurai started learning was 1400-1600. The knights were located in Europe and the Samurai were located in Japan. The knights started learning at childhood and became a knight at 21 years. The Samurai started learning at childhood and ended when they thought he was ready.

In this first paragraph, I
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The best weapon that the Samurai had were swords that they fought with like the . If they dismounted and there were people around him he could easily strike his opponent because of his sword. This is a big advantage because opponents might not have the same but lower class weapons. A disadvantage is that the opponent could swipe it out of his hands or attack his horse and he lose control of his sword. The knights fought with axes, maces, war hammers, swords, crossbows, and spears were the weapons they used in a battle or fight. This is a huge advantage because if the break or lose one they will have another weapon to use. A disadvantage is that they could weigh you down so much that it is hard to fight and stand. In conclusion that is the weapons that the knights and Samurai …show more content…

The Samurai wives were not free to do whatever they want, they had to obey what their husband told them to do. A disadvantage is that they could not sew new clothing such as kimonos or wash the dishes at noon, they were told what to do (like a peasant). Another disadvantage is that if the husband told you to do something and you do it wrong, he might make you do it again or do something bad to you. The knights treated women kind so we got these acts of modern day chivalry as traditional forms of courtesy and kindness toward women. An advantage to this, is that you won't have a man come up to you and slap you because of their code of chivalry. Another advantage is that women back then did not get a lot of respect and so to have this ability, it was probably awesome! In conclusion, this is how the knights and Samurai viewed women in Feudal

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