He displays an autocratic style of management and threatens Mike in the toilet, telling him he is no longer to do any work for Harvey or else he will ensure that he is fired. He tries to instil fear in Mike by telling him that “your days are numbered”. He does not choose to foster collaboration among team members concerning the redistribution of the workload and try to positively gain support from people,He also uses this autocratic style of management when dealing with Harvey telling him that he can’t hand over his assigned cases to Mike any more as Mike has been given his own case to …show more content…
Mike (under pressure from losing his gran and Louis’ threats) explodes after telling Harvey that he can’t accept work from him any more and Harvey insisting he does. He shouts and Harvey instructs him to go home immediately. As a leader, he remains calm, shows his ability to contain his emotions and those of Mike by providing immediate direction. By doing this, he defuses the situation and enables Mike not to lose further control of his emotions and be able to deal with his pain and inner conflict in private.
Harvey does not control his emotions and lets his passive-aggressive anger get the better of him when Louis taunts him by telling him at the last minute that Harvey will be his (Louis) second chair and he passes a remark about how he would like his coffee made. Harvey glares and once Louis leaves the office, he throws an object across the room.
Rachel doesn’t overlook Mike’s grief. She realises that he is dealing with inner conflict and personal pain and she tries to gives him helpful advice about letting others know about his gran’s death. He resists the advice and gets angry. However, she is understanding and does not take the outburst personally, but again approaches Mike when he is more receptive. She wants to help him resolve the internal issues and offers her support when he talks at his gran’s funeral.. She further encourages him by giving him feedback about how well he spoke and offers him further support if he