Instead of Heaven, Hindus believe in Nirvana, a transcendent state of enlightenment and peace. Hinduism is polytheistic. They have multiple gods that control different aspects of life. The three main gods are Brahman-Creator, Vishnu-Preserver, and Shiva-Destroyer. Their leadership positions on earth are Gurus, Holy mans, and Brahmans Priest. Their place of worship is the Hindu temples while the Jews worship in the Synagogue. Their leaders are Priests and Rabbis. Judaism is the oldest existing religion. It was founded in 2000 b.c. It is the oldest existing religion and has over 14 million followers. Hinduism, formed in 1700 b.c., has over 900 millions followers, and is the third largest religion. The Hindu people are governed by Dharma and Karma, while the Jewish people have a set of rules known as the Ten Commandments and the 613 Mitzvah. The Ten Commandments were a set of rules given to Moses by God on Mt. Sinai. In terms of scripture, the Hindus refer to the Vedas,
Instead of Heaven, Hindus believe in Nirvana, a transcendent state of enlightenment and peace. Hinduism is polytheistic. They have multiple gods that control different aspects of life. The three main gods are Brahman-Creator, Vishnu-Preserver, and Shiva-Destroyer. Their leadership positions on earth are Gurus, Holy mans, and Brahmans Priest. Their place of worship is the Hindu temples while the Jews worship in the Synagogue. Their leaders are Priests and Rabbis. Judaism is the oldest existing religion. It was founded in 2000 b.c. It is the oldest existing religion and has over 14 million followers. Hinduism, formed in 1700 b.c., has over 900 millions followers, and is the third largest religion. The Hindu people are governed by Dharma and Karma, while the Jewish people have a set of rules known as the Ten Commandments and the 613 Mitzvah. The Ten Commandments were a set of rules given to Moses by God on Mt. Sinai. In terms of scripture, the Hindus refer to the Vedas,