In the Giver they could not see color. The only colors that they can see is black and white because that the one ones they every seen. The colors are like an old tv show in black and white. We have bight colors that we can see. Everything that I see have some type of color not just black and white. Birthday are different every but in the giver and on earth are different to.
Everyone in the giver has the same brithday. One day of Dember everyone every one trun the next age on the same day. We have our own brithday on our day. The day that our Mother gave brith
to us is the day that we have our brithday. Jobs are impartant to somepople in the wrould to day.
In the Giver the jobs are given to you. They don't get to pick their jobs because they are choose for that person. We get to pick our jobs. No pick the job for us we choose our own job that we want. That special someone means a lot to you either your wife or husban.
In the give you can't say who you are gone to marrie because they tell you who you can be with.They also have to apply for spouse. We can who we want to marrie because we have freedom. We will marrie who we want because no one can tell us either what to do. This show how our world is different and same from Joan's world. Many things here and there are different. But are similar in ways to.The people place and small town its self. There are many place different in the world. What you read here there are also different places in books to.