The household may consists of one family or other group that are living together in one house (Eriksen, Hylland, 2010). Every family has its own uniqueness but when one family and two households are different, here we start to question why they are different?. In my essay, I will highlight some important aspects of each households to be able to see differences. I will focus on the gender role and the marriage costume. I group of Bedouin I will be discussing are known as AlKetbi and I will talk about their households to point out the differences in the family and two household.
The Emiratis value family highly and it is common to have large families 7 and more members. The AlKetbi family are Bedouin not like the past were they used to travel and search for oasis, but the Bedouin who still get their earned by rising camel for racing ((L.Crocetti, 2001, p.32). In the UAE, having two or more wives was typical of the earlier generations but is becoming less common because it is hard to provide equally for so many and difficult to keep peace in the house. The father is the head of the family. In AlKetbi family, the leader is Hamad who is also the father. He had two wives and each one of them live in a house trying to keep peace in his family. From the first wife he have two …show more content…
Laylat al Henna is a famous celebration in the UAE and most brides celebrated but the second household refuse to allow their daughters to celebrate. The reason was that Laylat al henna is just waste of money and time. Whenever the first household have a Laylat Henna celebration the second household start to complain and sometimes they try to ruin their celebration out of