Ebony Bittings
Grand Canyon University: UDA-575
September 26, 2012
When you think of the terms: leader and leadership, you generally equate them with being only one person. However, my view of leadership, especially effective leadership, is a shared function between many individuals. There are numerous leadership theories. As a whole, leadership theories should be implemented to contribute to the improvement of our schools. I have chosen the school I currently teach at to serve as the subject of my research throughout the duration of this course. I work at an elementary school named Myrtle Ave Elementary school in Irvington, New Jersey. Dionne Warwick is a public school is an urban, lower-class neighborhood. There are many leadership theories that apply to my school setting. The ones that I have chosen to focus on in this essay are: Directive and Democratic styles and theories. My school administrator uses very Directive theories when dealing with her students and staff. If you walked into my school as a visitor and observed the everyday routines, you may very well feel like everything and everyone you encounter is very rushed. The transition time in between lessons, classes and lunches are two minutes or less. Everyone is often too busy or focused on the task at hand to say more than a “Hello” and often will not be around long enough to hear your response to their greeting. The students and staff act this way because of the rigid directive theories that my administrator enforces. Leadership, be it good or bad, affects students and their achievement. My administrator spends most of her time given direct orders for quick changes that she feels will be better for student achievement. However, she never allows these quick changes to stay around long enough to access its effectiveness. As staff members, we are at a disadvantage having an administrator with directive
References: Leithwood, K., Jantzi. (1997) Journal of Education Administration[pic]Explaining Variation in Teachers ' Perceptions of Principals ' Leadership: a replication Straus, T., Sacks, R., Leithwood, K., Blair, M. (2008) Journal of Educational Administration The Relationship between Distributed Leadership and Teachers’ Academic Optimism. Quinn, D.M., Journal of Educational Administration[pic] (2002) The Impact of Principal Leadership Behaviors on Instructional Practice and Student Engagement.