Coursework Header Sheet ................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
1 Introduction................................................................................... 2
2 Digital Personalisation - Product and Service Offerings ................. 3
2.1 Digital Personalisation Methods used within Product/Service
Offerings........................................................................................... 4
3 Online systems design –Mechanisms for customer influence and persuasion .......................................................................................... 6
3.1 Price transparency ................................................................... 8
3.2 Product transparency ............................................................... 9
4 Conclusion ..................................................................................... 9
5 Reference .................................................................................... 10
6 Reflective Evaluation ....................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
7 Appendix ......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
The advent of the internet has created an opportunity for sellers to compete using internet-based mechanisms by either hiding or revealing market information. Too much information in the hands of the consumer means sellers lose some leverage and less of information means lower customer trust and loyalty. Research however has shown that digital personalisation is able to tailor information to fit the needs of customers. This paper aims to review various literatures on digital personalisation and internet-based selling mechanisms and how the personalisation of these mechanisms could influence and persuade customer interest.
The lives of people and their style of living have been very well influenced in recent years by the
Internet which has created an Electronic Commerce (EC) platform for