Hue: refers to the name of color.
Intensity: quality of brightness and purity
Value in Color: refers to that hue’s lightness or darkness in black in white picture can show personality 2. Value: important element in the work of art
Change in value can help artist express an idea
3. Line: refers the continuous mark made on some surface by a moving point. artist use many different types and describe objects and their movement different effects are obtained by using these different types of line one types is used to show edges some artist want to conceal the outline of their objects( De-emphasizing Line) linear and painterly can help you see more clearly
Line can also suggest movement such as horizontal, vertical, diagonal or curved.
4. Texture: is the element of art that refers to the way things feel, or look as they might feel if touched. usually the work of art is carefully concealed your eyes will sweep over the smooth glossy surface
5. Shape: refers to a two dimensional area clearly set off by one or more of the other visual elements, such as color, value, line, texture and space. shapes are flat only limited to two dimensional: length and width
6. Form: is an object with three dimensions two important types are mass and volume
7. Space: can be thought of as the distance or area between, around, above, below, or within things. can be three dimensional or two dimensional