Social wellness
Human beings are social animals and thus need to build and maintain satisfying relations. To be socially well, we ought to increase our ability to interact with people and their ideas, accept and understand diverse cultural norms, enhance our interpersonal communication skills and adapt a positive image.
Emotional wellness
Emotional wellness is defined as our ability to accept and cope with our own feelings as well as other people’s feelings. Some of the symptoms of emotional problems like depression, anxiety or hopelessness may not be easily detected but can cause dire consequences.
Physical wellness
Wellness of the body refers to the compositions, functions, maintenance and functions of the body. To ensure good physical health;
We should eat nutritious foods to help keep the body and mind energized.
Avoid taking addictive substances
Arresting earlier illness stages by having regular medical check-up and taking the right precautions
Spiritual wellness
Being spiritually healthy is essential for the good health of the body. Spiritual health is termed as the process of seeking meaning and purpose of life. Our personal beliefs and values, our acceptance or rejection of creation refer to the spiritual health dimension.
Mental wellness
Mental wellness involves the ability to develop knowledge and skills, helping us to enhance our lives. Lack of mental wellness includes depression and anxiety. Mental wellness can be promoted by good physical