The Muscular Dystrophy Association allows the tactics of the Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon to practically force the viewer to see a life with muscular dystrophy as pitiable and without meaning. Autism Speaks has produced a video that offers parents nothing but a doom and gloom message if they have a child that has been diagnosed with autism. Both these organizations offer very little to adults with these respective disabilities, instead focusing on prevention and cure that sometimes borders on eugenic ideals.
Society values perfection and idealized images. Often, disabled characters are often portrayed as villains or ugly while “beautiful” characters are the heroes that defeat them (Dahl, 1993). Hollywood and advertising agencies take it upon themselves to put forth their beliefs about disability and people with disabilities in the same way sports teams help themselves to tribal names and …show more content…
Athena cursed Medusa, a once beautiful priestess devoted to a life of celibacy, for marrying Poseidon and violating Athena’s temple. Ugliness and deformity challenged the Greek ideal (Pelasgos, 1981). Quasimodo, as the Hunchback of Notre Dame, was a deformed and pitiable character who lived in seclusion in the famed cathedral because people despised and shunned him for his appearance. He is elected as the “Pope of Fools” during a festival because of his appearance, is used as a scapegoat, and ultimately dies of starvation in a graveyard. Even with the retelling by Disney in which Archdeacon Frollo is the one to die and Quasimodo is made the hero, he still experiences the loneliness of living in seclusion and torment and hatred from the