This Includes: Sexual abuse, Physical Abuse and negligence of Child’s well being. “Per day the agency receives 20 cases, per month, the agency receives 100s of cases and for the year, the agency receives 1000s of cases. Therefore, the numbers of cases resolved are yet to be estimated.” said the PPE Department Officer form the head of in Kingston. The primary case that the Child Development Agency deals with is Criminal cases. The Children’s Court refer cases to the Children's Advocate or to another legal representative if necessary, and deals with various proceedings including children who are victims, witnesses in need of care and protection, as well as cases where the child has committed a crime. The proceedings of the cases varies, base on the age of the child and severity of the …show more content…
The CDA is an Executive Agency under the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, headed by a Chief Executive Officer, and is supported by an Executive Management Team; organized along five (5) functional divisions. Since our inception in 2004, the Agency has steadily grown in capacity, now boasting a world class workforce who operates at various levels in the