By Joshua Solar
Disc golf is an incredibly addictive game that can be played by anyone who can throw a frisbee. The sport provides a fun and challenging outdoor activity that tests a player's mental skills of concentration, focus and patience. Disc golf is becoming popular in Elementary Schools, Junior Highs, High Schools and College campuses. Disc Golf provides a low-impact exercise that requires focus on mental strategy and provides an avenue for people of every skill level to play together. In addition to offering a fun activity, educational facilities are introducing the sport into their curriculum with an emphasis on physical fitness, ecology and planning.
In addition to the mental challenge of disc golf the sport provides a great way to get or stay in shape. Disc golf is a low impact exercise that can ease you into a higher level of fitness and health. Using disc golf as a low impact exercises will help you build strength, stability and balance. A disc golf course can be anywhere from one or two acres to a few dozen acres long. Walking is known to reduce your risk of a heart attack by lowering LDL cholesterol and raising HDL cholesterol as well as managing blood pressure and reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
The rules are quite similar to the rules used in the game of "Club Golf", including the matter of courtesy. It is only fair that your opponent’s turn to throw be without distraction, just as you would like it to be for yours. Do not throw your disc until you are sure its flight or landing, will not distract another player.
Tee off order on the first tee will be by mutual arrangement or by flipping discs. The printed side is heads and the odd man should be first. Tee off order on all subsequent holes is determined by the score on the previous hole. The player with the lowest score tees off first.
A marker disc is used to mark every throw and should be a special disc, like a pocket mini disc model that is not