Subject: EdMa 606 - Organizational Behavior and Analysis
Submitted to: Dr. Maria Agnes Ladia
Reporter: Mr.Emmanuel G. Miclat
To understand the following:
Different leadership styles. 2. Theories of leadership and how they are applied. 3. What kind of leader are you.
Leadership skills
Good leadership skills are essential in your leadership journey as well.
A pilot requires psychomotor skills and flying skills to properly fly a plane. He takes years and years to hone those skills to become a master at them so that he can be an expert at flying the plane.
Similarly, a leader has his set of skills he has to learn to become an effective leader.
Skills have a multiplier effect on your efforts as a leader.
For example, have you ever tried hitting a nail into the wall using just a wooden block? Perhaps you didn’t have a hammer nearby and you just wanted that nail into the wall in the shortest time possible so that you could get your picture up on the wall.
You would have found out that it was much tougher than using a hammer. This is what the hammer does: to achieve a certain result (hitting the nail into the wall) with lesser effort, leading to greater leverage.
A skill set is like the hammer in this illustration. A honed skill set can bring you out greater results with much less effort on your part.
If you have spent years honing your public speaking skills, you’ll find that one inspiring speech from you can motivate, inspire and even transform hundreds of individuals in your organization! But seriously, how many of us can claim that for our own lives? We’ll be glad if our followers listen to instructions as they’re told!
That said, your time spent honing these skills will have multiplier effect on your life. It may seem that you’re just wasting your time learning these skills; but no you’re not.
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