Dr. Littrell
SOC 121
Cop in the Hood In Moskos book, Cop in The Hood, he gives readers a preview of what it’s like being a cop and working as a cop from a sociological perspective. Mosko shows several leadership skills throughout the entire book due to the fact that he provides honesty and reality to what it is like to be a cop, even though he did this primarily just to write a book. Leadership is a major feature in police work and in order be a good cop or even a potential police officer you have to learn from being in the environment of crime or you’ll be out of a job. In my opinion Mosko does have what it takes to be a cop. He has the leadership skills he needs, he has the street smarts you need to have. All around he just has all the qualities. You would normally think that leaders lead from the top, but that’s not always the case. People have different assets to characterize them as a “good leader.” People can have great leadership skills but still be at the bottom. I feel as if you can’t really define someone being a leader just from them being on top. Police are usually placed at the top role because they have the power to basically do whatever they want to do. In the book it says that people in the lower part of the social class in the less fortunate neighborhoods, call the police. People just want to be safe. They don’t want to have to worry about someone breaking in their house, having drug problems or even gangs around their neighborhoods. What the police need to do to maintain respect from all classes, even though people talk shit about police they still need to be treated with respect. They are here to protect us, and they are just trying to do their job. Police officers become great leaders by earning the ability to know what it takes to achieve the responsibilities and duties as a police officer. Being a leader doesn’t always attribute just too personal characteristics, training, education or characteristics of the