Acct 325
Leader and Follower
Society is made up of leaders and followers. While many wants to, not all can be leaders. A leader is somebody who guides or directs others by showing them the way. A leader is someone that can influence people. He is someone that people want to follow and respect, makes good decisions, can think quickly. He is self-confident, and knows what to do next. A leader is someone who can guide others to their own empowerment.
My parents always told me to be a leader, not a follower. They were basically telling me not follow other people into trouble. I’m trying to improve my leadership skills. Leadership is not something you can learn from a book, but you have to gain the skill through experiences such as holding an office, organizing an event, speaking in front of people, or participating in a leadership program. This is one of the reasons I want to be part of ALPFA’s leadership program. I want to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to make a different in my career and my life. This program will give me the information so I can become a leader, not a follower. Everyone cannot be a leader but can be good followers for something, in a positive way. They cannot be leaders because they lack the skills to be a good leader. No one is born a leader, but develop into a leader. A leader and followers needs training. They also need positive learning experiences to develop leadership skills. They need skills of observation, learning, analysis, and communication. In order for a follower to be a leader it must be desired. Both must be taught to improve their power of observation, and to build personal confidence. A follower must also develop the traits that needed to be a leader. Someone that is already a leader can use these traits to become a better leader. There is always room for improvement. A leader will have courage, certainty, dependability, endurance, enthusiasm, integrity, judgment, knowledge, loyalty, and unselfishness.