Discipleship should always be our central measure of faith. Jesus commanded his disciples and all his follower in what he referred to as the ‘Great commission’ to go to all nations and make other disciples for him. Those followers were to go baptizing people in the name of the father, the son and of the holy spirit. They were also to teach those they baptized how to worship and obey God. Discipleship therefore can also be said to be partnership with another person with an objective of helping that person understand, know and respect the word of God, so that he can also help others do the same. When one is then made a disciple he also does the same to another person and the process become …show more content…
This means that the process of discipleship is not about you but it’s about Jesus. It is He who gets the glory not us because our work is to disciple and he transforms someone. According to the book on How to Be a Disciple Who Makes Disciples, when you disciple one person do not do it alone for the Christ is in you. It is argued that when Jesus was with disciples he invested his life in them. Whatever His disciples did they did it to the glory of Jesus. That’s why when we give our lives to others we should do it like Jesus did to hi twelve disciples and should always keep in mind that everything we do the glory is to Him (Collins, …show more content…
Bruce, Alexander B. The Training of the Twelve; Or, Passages Out of the Gospels, Exhibiting the Twelve Disciples of Jesus Under Discipline for the Apostleship. New York: A.C. Armstrong, 1891
2. Geiger, Eric, Michael Kelley, and Philip Nation. Transformational Discipleship: How People Really Grow. Nashville: B & H, 2012.
3. Hirsch, Alan. The Forgotten Ways: Reactivating the Missional Church. Grand Rapids: Brazos, 2006.
4. Early, Dave, and Rod Dempsey. Disciple Making Is…: How to Live the Great Commission with Passion and Confidence. Nashville: B & H, 2013. ISBN: 9781433677069.
5. Putman, Jim, Bobby Harrington, and Robert E. Coleman. Discipleship: Five Steps That Help Your Church to Make Disciples Who Make Disciples. Grand Rapids: Zondervan,
6. Gallaty, Robby, and Randall Collins. Growing Up: How to Be a Disciple Who Makes Disciples. Bloomington, IN: CrossBooks,