Vanessa A. Smith
Grand Canyon University: SPD 510
November 2, 2014
Discipline Process The appropriate next steps that should take place in the case of Charlie is that he is evaluated for his behavior. It is important to determine if there is something going on that has caused the child to respond in the manner that he has and determine if he is now experiencing emotional or behavioral problems alongside his current disability.
According to Dwyer (1997), “IDEA procedural safeguards were designed to assure that students with disabilities (receiving special education and related services) were not arbitrarily removed from their parent-approved program without consent and were guaranteed a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) within the least restrictive environment (LRE)”.
Although nothing in the IDEA restricts schools from taking disciplinary action on a child with disabilities its important to review each case and determine what can be done t avoid the incident from reoccurring and ensure safety of all students and staff. Testing of Charlie …show more content…
Charlie’s IEP can be re-evaluated and goals can be added to help with behavior. Because Charlie threatened with a weapon they may need to follow the IDEA requirements and meet within 10 days to discuss the case. However, Charlie cant not e removed from his special education classes for more than 10 days because at that point the school is violating his rights to FAPE. Charlie has the option to be placed in another program even without the parents consent; if it is appealed the parents can request a