Discipline and grievance procedures
Organisations should set standards of performance and conduct reinforced by company rules. Problems when standards are not met or where grievances are raised by employees may often be dealt with informally but if a formal approach is needed then procedures help employers to be fair and consistent.
Disciplinary procedures may be used for problems with employees' conduct or performance although some organisations have a separate procedure for dealing with performance problems.
Grievance procedures are used for considering problems or concerns that employees wish to raise with their employers.
This handbook tells you how to handle discipline and grievances at work. The detailed advice given is based on the three following principles:
rules and procedures provide a framework for behaviour and performance
discipline and grievances are about people not processes
in most cases employers should aim to improve and not to punish.
In a well-managed organisation disciplinary procedures may not be needed very often. But, if a problem does arise then they are vital. Good procedures can help organisations to resolve problems internally – and avoid employment tribunal claims. Examples of discipline and grievances in practice
Brief details of a number of examples of discipline and grievances in practice are included in this handbook. Remember that these are for illustrative purposes only and that actual cases you deal with should be considered in the light of all the circumstances. The statutory procedures and the Code of Practice
This handbook contains examples of disciplinary procedures to help employers in all types and size of organisation. Although organisations can be flexible about how formal or extensive their procedures need to be, there is a statutory procedure they must follow as a minimum if they are contemplating dismissing an